Section: Housing Finance

Corporation Aims to Reward Top Performers

In his speech at the National Housing Federation (NHF) Annual Conference in Birmingham, Housing Corporation Deputy Chief Executive, Steve Douglas, announced that the very best partners could be rewarded with increased access to Housing Corporation funding over the next three years.

Launching a new discussion paper on Future Investment Approaches, which sets out proposals for radical changes in the Housing Corporation's approach to investment, Steve Douglas delivered a vision for the future that includes:

The discussion document follows work by the Future Approaches to Investment Group, which was set up by the Corporation with representatives including housing associations, lenders, and private sector house builders. Its brief was to look at how further flexibility and freedom could help speed up supply of affordable homes and improve value for money, whilst maintaining the highest quality standards.

Steve Douglas said: "We are giving the housing sector what it is asking for. Where we go next will depend on how positively it responds. But we are confident that we can transform the way we invest, whilst ensuring continued delivery, performance on quality and value, and accountability to regional, local and national stakeholders.

"The challenge for the sector is whether it can embrace these proposals, delivering a step change in quality and efficiency. As we go into the Comprehensive Spending Review, there is a golden opportunity for the sector to demonstrate its ability and willingness to respond."

New Funding


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Reporting on September 2006

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