Section: Building & Regeneration

Measures to Improve Design Standards

Lords Planning Minister, Baroness Kay Andrews, called on local authorities and developers to make sure all new developments are of high quality design.

The challenge came as new guidance was published on planning reforms that mean the majority of planning application will now have to be accompanied by design and access statements. The statements will set out how issues such as disabled access have been addressed in the proposal, ensuring there is a greater understanding of what is being planned and what the final development might look like.

In addition, the Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment (CABE) released a good practice guide on how the statements will work. The guidance gives practical advice for developers and local authorities on what will need to be included and how the statements should be interpreted.

New research also published shows that the quality of new developments is increased when Design Coding is used. The evaluation report shows that Design Codes - locally agreed guidance that sets out three-dimensional, site specific design requirements - has led to a more efficient, transparent development process. The research reviews seven pilot schemes, which in some locations have been responsible for setting new benchmarks for design quality.

Environmental Efficiency Assessment for Homes Launched

The Building Research Establishment (BRE), in collaboration with the Housing Corporation, launched EcoHomes XB. Designed to enable property managers and landlords to assess the environmental efficiency of their stock, the EcoHomes XB assessment helps identify potential for improvement and measure improvement when works have been carried out.

There is a wide range of property types, and an equal wide range of potential for improvement. However there are a limited number of measures that can realistically be adopted.

EcoHomes XB adapts the BREEAM methodology and EcoHomes criteria to the constraints of the existing stock. These constraints include site issues (access to local amenities, transport, ecology etc.) and practical issues, such as the building fabric, heating systems, and ventilation.

BRE worked closely with the Housing Corporation to ensure EcoHomes XB is as user-friendly as possible, being organised around a list of practical measures.

Topics covered by EcoHomes XB are management policies, energy, transport, pollution, water, health and waste.

EcoHomes XB has taken just over 2 years to complete. Its development has involved consultation with a range of stakeholders and mainstream bodies, including housing associations, local authorities, EcoHomes assessors, and other interested parties.

The scheme has been piloted twice and a number of housing associations and local authorities have participated. The assessment is designed for both local authorities and housing associations, which between them represent over 4 million homes emitting an estimated 27.6 million tonnes of carbon dioxide every year.

EcoHomes XB is a complete tool for housing associations and local authorities to judge their own environmental performance of their management structure and their existing housing stock, highlighting properties that are in need of attention. The tool is easy to use as it draws on existing data close to hand and other readily accessible information.

EcoHomes XB consists of 3 components:

BRE has developed EcoHomes XB to have a rating score of 0 to 100. The basic method for using EcoHomes XB is:>

Assessments under EcoHomes XB are for the guidance of housing associations and local authorities, but they are not mandatory requirements. Assessments assist in highlighting areas of the stock needing attention and facilitates the choice of work to be undertaken for the greatest benefit and practicality.

Scheme Update




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Reporting on June 2006

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