Section: Heating & Energy Efficiency

Rethink of Planning Rules on Wind Turbines

The Government confirmed that planning rules may be changed to make it easier for householders to install greenhouse gas reducing wind turbines.

In an interview with the Observer, Planning Minister Yvette Cooper said the Department of Communities and Local Government was reviewing the status of micro-generation technologies, like mini-turbines and solar panels.

Ms Cooper said: "It is patently absurd that you should be able to put a satellite dish on your house, but have to wrestle with the planning process for small-scale micro-generation, which is no more obtrusive and can have a real impact on tackling climate change.

"We want much more micro-generation to be treated as permitted development.

"We are reviewing the impact of a wide range of technologies so we can take account of things such as the impact on neighbours or listed buildings before consulting on details later this year."

The Government has introduced a £3.5 million grant system for micro-generation systems, which can reduce householders' electricity bills at the same time as cutting the overall UK demand for power.


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Reporting on June 2006

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