Section: Local Authorities

Charities Use Elections to Canvass for Change

London's councils were targeted by a coalition of charities in the run up to the May local elections. The charities planned to gain the councils' commitment to protecting the future of London's children from problems such as poverty and homelessness.

Barnardo's, Coram Family, London Play, London Voluntary Service Council (LVSC), NCH, NSPCC, Save the Children and The Children's Society produced Towards an Inclusive and Child-Friendly London - A Children and Young People's Manifesto for London Local Government. The Manifesto called on councillors to make sure that children in London have the same opportunities to grow and succeed as those in the rest of the UK.

The Manifesto pointed out some of the stark realities that children in London currently face:

Delroy Pomell, director at Barnardo's and coalition member, said: "Children in London are still missing out, they are short changed in so many ways - childhood obesity, poverty, homelessness, overcrowding, and higher school exclusion rates.

"This is simply not acceptable and we as a coalition must ensure that all council candidates put the protection, health and welfare of children higher on their agendas.

"We must all invest in the future generation of Londoners, including members of the public, who should be aware of how individuals and communities can also contribute in protecting children from harm.

"London must do more to protect the physical and emotional well-being of its children and young people. This will help to reduce the number of young people suffering in adverse circumstances from developing more serious mental and physical illnesses. We must ensure that London's children are protected - and given the future they deserve."

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Reporting on April 2006

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