Section: Resident Involvement

Corporation Starts New Tenant Funding Role

A new era for the Tenant Empowerment Programme (TEP) started on 6 April with the Housing Corporation becoming responsible for the day-to-day management of the programme, which allows council housing tenants to have a greater say in how their homes are managed.

Under the programme (previously known as Section 16), tenants' groups can bid for grant funding. For example, grant is available to enable council tenants to work with an agency to explore issues of concern to tenants and look at how they could become involved in the management of their homes and estates.

The programme also gives council tenants direct access to independent advice, training, and information. TEP also funds tenant training and capacity building, which is open to both local authority and housing association tenants.

The programme does not fund mainstream tenant participation activity, which is the responsibility of the landlord.

The allocation for the 2006/7 TEP is £2.64 million and priorities are:

Policy responsibility for the TEP will remain with the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister.

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Reporting on April 2006

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