Section: Housing Management

Housing to Tackle Antisocial Behaviour

The Prime Minister launched the Respect Action Plan, which highlights a greater role for social landlords in tackling antisocial behaviour.

The Plan sets out the Government's intentions, including new powers to allow housing officers to issue on-the-spot fines for unruly behaviour and draw up Parenting Orders.

The Audit Commission will step up its scrutiny of social landlords in regard to their success in tackling antisocial behaviour. A respect standard, to be enforced through inspections, will aim to monitor the effectiveness of social landlords in taking action to tackle antisocial tenants and support those suffering abuse.

The Plan also marks a return to the idea of docking Housing Benefit from persistent offenders, with proposals from the Government to consult on this and the option of boarding-up homes that are the focus of antisocial behaviour.

Home Office minister Hazel Blears warned that social landlords would need to take this agenda more seriously. She also confirmed that there is to be no extra funding available to the sector to meet its additional responsibilities.

It was further revealed that housing market renewal pathfinders' funding would depend on plans to address antisocial behaviour. The Plan also reveals proposals for tougher action against those that assault housing staff whilst exercising their duties.


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Reporting on January 2006

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