Section: Hostels & Foyers

Foyer Update

Foyer Update is a monthly feature contributed by the Foyer Federation and written by Sophie Livingstone, Head of Policy & Communications. Views expressed are those of the author. Email:

Outside In

Communities Minister Malcolm Chisholm visited Aberdeen Foyer to launch Outside In, a new three-year pilot programme of learning specifically tailored to the needs of homeless people and the first of its kind in Scotland. The Minister met young people newly embarked on this unique programme, which was developed by the Foyer Federation in Scotland and funded by the Scottish Executive.

Outside In will benefit residents at Aberdeen Foyer, Edinburgh Cyrenians, and Glasgow Simon Community working in association with Aberdeen College, Stevenson College Edinburgh, and the Glasgow College of Nautical Studies respectively.

Outside In, a resident learning programme and staff development training initiative, will deliver a nationally quality-assured programme to re-engage former homeless people, to equip them with transferable learning and skills, which will enhance their opportunities and motivation to access further education, training, and work.

This person-centered learning plan is tailored to the individual needs of residents and driven at their own pace. It addresses self-development and life skills, consisting of four modules allowing accreditation to be gained at each level and evidenced by a portfolio unique to each participant - which will lead to a City & Guilds qualification.

Homeless people have often missed out on statutory education because of family circumstances during their childhood and adolescence, for example 25% of Foyer residents across the UK had ceased to attend school by the age of 14 and 50% had no qualifications at all on entry to the Foyer. In addition there is a strong national benefit to increasing the employability of homeless people. The benefit of re-engaging a young person currently not in education, training or employment is around £100,000.

Speaking at the launch, Communities Minister Malcolm Chisholm said: "I am delighted to be able to formally launch the Outside In project, which I believe offers the opportunity to provide real education and training to young homeless people. Everyone can benefit from learning new skills and I know that homeless people have often missed their chance to gain qualifications. This new service, which I understand is the first of its kind in Scotland, will benefit those supported by Aberdeen Foyer, Edinburgh Cyrenians, and Glasgow Simon Community. Such initiatives are an important part of the ongoing efforts to tackle and prevent homelessness and improve the lives of young people."

About Aberdeen Foyer

Aberdeen Foyer is a successful local charitable organisation, working to prevent and alleviate youth homelessness and unemployment in Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire.

It provides 80 supported tenancies for 16-25 year olds across six sites in Aberdeen, Peterhead, Fraserburgh, Stonehaven, and Banchory. Since the first accommodation site opened in 1998, Aberdeen Foyer has housed and supported over 1,000 young people, including single parents, care leavers, ex-offenders, and those who have or have had drug or alcohol problems, learning difficulties or mental health issues. Specialist support across a wide range of services is aimed at developing skills and independence and a move into employment training and education.

Aberdeen Foyer also has a trading company, Foyer Enterprise, which consists of the Foyer Restaurant & Gallery (consistently voted one of the top three restaurants in Aberdeen) and Foyer Graphics. These businesses generate income to support the work of Aberdeen Foyer, provide an interface with the wider community, and offer training & employment opportunities for young people.

This innovative approach to supporting young people, through the transition to social and economic independence and a determination to find ways of working that produce success, has led to Aberdeen Foyer receiving many accolades and awards and to its work being featured at a national level in relation to examples of good practice.

The latest initiative is Foyer Drive, which not only provides driving lessons but also offers a package including basic car maintenance, driving citizenship and road safety, literacy support for theory test, web based training modules, second-hand car inspection, and RAC membership. As well as increasing people's employability through gaining a driving licence, Foyer Drive aims to provide a unique product to all young people in the community that encourages safe and knowledgeable driving, which in turn provides a social business offering employment opportunities to young people at Aberdeen Foyer.

Aberdeen Foyer hopes, through its existing services and various new developments in the pipeline, to continue to respond to the needs and issues of young people in Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire.


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Reporting on January 2006

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