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Conservation Cutting Bills in Canada

In Toronto, electricity distribution companies, under the name powerWISE™, are supporting a pilot programme to help low-income households reduce their energy consumption, and their costs.

The programme, launched by the independent corporation Social Housing Services Corporation (SHSC), will receive $50,000 in funding from the powerWISE™ group of six electricity distribution companies, for phase one of the piloted programme – exhaustive audits of 1000 units to identify ways of reducing energy consumption, from big schemes to low-energy light bulbs.

The Energy Management Programme is a first in Canada to bring together social housing projects with utility companies, government agencies, and energy management experts, in a comprehensive approach to generating a sustainable future for social housing.

The programme will also serve to raise awareness about energy consumption among landlords and tenants.

Read the press release at

Toronto Electricity Utilities Help Social Housing
CNW Group, 7 June 2005

Australia Monitors Progress of UK's Shared-Equity Scheme

The government of Australia are monitoring the progress of a shared-equity scheme launched in the UK, reported The Courier Mail. The government needs to generate more affordable housing, notably in Melbourne, but also in the more prosperous regional towns, and has set aside funds for and is consulting on shared-equity schemes.

Thousands of low-income earners and first-home buyers could benefit from slashed mortgage prices, as, under the proposed part-own scheme, buyers would raise a mortgage for only a portion of the cost of a home. The rest would be provided by the government through housing associations, or by financial institutions. Capital growth on the property would be divided on sale of the property.

The government of Australia's strategies for increasing the availability of affordable accommodation include the controversial plan to amend planning laws to make developers either contribute a percentage of new homes for low-cost housing, or alternatively match the cost so that the equivalent social housing may be erected elsewhere. The Housing Monthly Diary reported on this in April's edition.

Find this story at

Australian Boost To Housing
The Courier Mail, 20 June 2005


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Reporting on June 2005

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