Section: Best Practices & Standards

Beacon Scheme for Associations

Jon Rouse, Chief Executive of the Housing Corporation, unveiled plans for the introduction of a Beacon Association competition to actively promote and encourage cutting edge and best practice in the housing association sector.

The Housing Corporation's Beacon Association competition will be open to housing associations who can demonstrate outstanding performance in key areas of business. For the first year of the Beacon awards, the theme for the competition will be:

Winners will be awarded the status of Beacon Association and will be provided with significant funding to help disseminate and share their achievements and good practice. The competition is to be formally launched in the autumn.

LA Stars

The following summarises some of the key issues raised in a selection of Audit Commission local authority inspection reports released during June 2005.

Croydon LBC (Supporting People)

The Supporting People programme being delivered by the London Borough of Croydon is a good two-star service and has excellent prospects for improvement, according to a report released by the Audit Commission. The inspectors found:

Key issues noted for improvement are:

Havering LBC (Housing Management)

An Audit Commission inspection concluded that the London Borough of Havering provides a fair one-star Housing Management service that has promising prospects for improvement. To help the service improve, inspectors made a number of recommendations, including:

Other Reports Issued

RSL Performers

Audit Commission housing association inspection reports issued during June 2005 included the following:


Formerly known as Bedfordshire Pilgrims Housing Association, BPHA is delivering a good two-star service to its tenants which has promising prospects for improvement, according to a report released by the Audit Commission. The report highlights some key strengths in the service including:

The report also highlights some issues that need to be tackled, including:

Stonham HA

The Supported Housing services provided by Stonham, a division of the Home Group, are good and have promising prospects for improvement, according to a report by the Audit Commission. In their evaluation of the two-star service, inspectors found:

To help the service improve, inspectors made a number of recommendations, including:

Other Reports Issued

Scottish Inspection Reports

Inspections of associations in Scotland are arranged by Communities Scotland in its role as a regulator:


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Reporting on June 2005

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