Section: Best Practices & Standards

Beacon Schemes Update

Local Government Minister Nick Raynsford announced the final themes for Round 7 of the Beacon Council Scheme:

The additional three themes complement the Round 7 themes already announced on 25 February 2004. Together, the programme of themes provides the opportunity for local authorities to apply for Beacon status and promote excellence in a range of public services. The themes already announced for Round 7 are as follows:

Round 7 schemes will run from 2005/06. Themes for Round 8 will be announced later this year.

The Beacon Council Scheme was established, by the Government, in 1999, to promote and acknowledge best value authorities - centres of excellence and innovation - with a mind to disseminate their practices and policies.

Mixed Results for Scottish Landlords

A new report published by Audit Scotland shows that whilst there were encouraging signs of further improvement in key areas of social work services last year, Scottish housing services continued to face challenges. The report made the following findings:

Housing and Social Work
- Performance Indicators 2003/04, Audit Scotland.

LA Stars

The following summarises a few of the key issues made in a selection of the Audit Commission local authority inspection reports released during February.

Hammersmith & Fulham Council

The services provided by Hammersmith and Fulham Housing Management Services are good with excellent prospects for improvement. The two-star rating (out of a possible three) from the Audit Commission means the Arms Length Management Organisation (ALMO) will receive £78.2m of capital investment to 31 March 2007. The ALMO, if it progresses well, can seek up to an additional £114 million to improve the standard of the homes it manages on behalf of the Council.

The inspection team found that the ALMO delivers good quality, customer oriented services in areas such as capital improvement works, leaseholder services, and lettings. It has effective processes in place for tackling anti-social behaviour. The ALMO has also effectively identified its investment priorities, actively involved tenants in running the organisation, responded positively on diversity issues, and has improved the way its estates look.

There do, however, remain weaknesses in some areas. Not all service standards clearly reflect equality and diversity, and there is a weak responsive repairs service.

Sedgemoor DC

The repairs and maintenance service provided by Sedgemoor Council is fair with promising prospects for improvement. The inspection team awarded the service one-star because the Council is carrying out most repairs within the target timescales and to a reasonable standard. It is achieving a high level of gas servicing, at almost 100%.

More needs to be done to involve tenants fully in all aspects of the service. There is also a significant shortfall in funds available to achieve the Decent Homes Standard, and the Council is not yet achieving value for money.

Other Reports Issued

RSL Performers

Audit Commission housing association reports issued during February included the following:

Clays Lane Housing Co-op

The services provided by Clays Lane Housing Co-operative are poor and have poor prospects for improvement, according to a report released by the Audit Commission.

The Audit Commission inspection team gave the service zero-stars because services are inadequate and the management committee takes a confrontational approach to complaints and customer care. The inspectors found that:

Information Note

Clays Lane have been under Housing Corporation supervision since 1987. The Corporation have ordered the Co-operative to hand over the management of its homes to Waltham Forest Community-Based Housing Organisation - a member of the Peabody Trust.

Other Reports Issued


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Reporting on February 2005

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